Our Research
Sytems biology forms the foundation of our research. The Golshani lab uses global genomic/proteomic
approaches and bioinformatic tools to identify novel gene functions. We currently have four primary research interests;
Repair of DNA double-strand breaks
Translation Fidelity and Non-Stop Decay
Bioinformatics: De novo peptide design and global and host-virus protein-protein interaction prediction
Chemical genomics: determining the mechanism of action of bioactive compounds and nanoparticles
The Golshani Group
Systems Biology - Bioinformatics - Molecular Genetics
Photos: Some at work, some at play.
Our Team
Our philosophy is simple, "we are a team". The goal of our lab is to cultivate a team environment where all lab members contribute to the greater success of the group. Dr. Golshani and the senior members of the lab are always availale to work you through any challenges. If you aren't a team player, you might not be a good fit.
Together we do some awesome research. Each member of the lab is given both independence and extensive support so that you can reach your maximum potential and explore your ideas.
Lastly, but importantly, we have a lot of fun, maybe too much :)
Latest News
Congratulations to Alex Mulet-Indrayanti on receiving the Senate medal at graduation. Well Done!
Congratulations to Katyoun Omidi on completing her PhD. Amazing job.
Pioneering peptide drug design. Dr. Golshani and Dr. Frank Dehne take their research to the private market with Designed Biologics. https://research.carleton.ca/2016/cross-discipline-carleton-team-design-groundbreaking-protein-based-drugs/
Congratulations to Dr. Mohsen Hooshyar and Dr. Imelda Galvan-Marquez on their successful PhD thesis defences.
Congratulations Dr. Bahram Samanfar on a successful thesis defence